Peel Croft PPG Members
The Patient Group currently consists of 8 patients aged from 34 - 75. The members meet quarterly with the surgery to offer advice and suggestions on improvements to the practice.
The current members are Gerald Green (Chair), Sam Reed (Secretary), Leon Knowles (NAPP Lead),Ken Woolley, Karen Langslow, Evadnie Allen, Caroline Bucknall and Lynne Barrell.
Are you interested in joining the group?
The PPG are keen to expand the group in the hope it can continue to reflect the needs and demands of the patients registered at the surgery. We would particularly like to recruit new members under 50 or who have a young family or are a carer so that the group is representative of our patient population.
If you would like to see the changes the PPG have made to date, these details can be viewed through the action plan tab available in this section of the website. If you feel you can make a difference and would like to join the group, please email Debbie Melling Practice Manager through the Contact Us tab detailed above. Alternatively leaflets with regards to joining the group are also available in the waiting room area at the surgery.
Too busy to join a group?
Peel Croft Surgery is aware that not all patients are able to attend meetings regularly and prefer to engage with us in a different way and so in 2012, we set up a Virtual Patient Participation Group through this website. This gives you the opportunity to provide suggestions and feedback on services and applications within the NHS and Peel Croft surgery. The virtual group currently consists of 7 members.
To access the Virtual PPG to provide feedback or suggestions on services, please email [email protected] titled Patient Group alternatively use the Contact Us tab above. We look forward to hearing from you.
PPG priorities and activities
At the quarterly meetings, the PPG decides on the priorities throughout the year and with help from the surgery, work together to make a difference. The 3 key priorities for 2014-15 are Patient Education Events, Patient Feedback and Patient Recruitment and Awareness of the Patient Group. An example of recent activities would be the patient education events e.g. CPR, Dementia Friendly Event and First Aid Training. The group are also involved with introducing the new Friend and Family National NHS Survey initiative and assisting patients with completion. Historically questionnaires have been designed and promoted by the Patient Group throughout previous years covering a broad spectrum of areas associated with healthcare (the summary of results and actions agreed by the PPG at the meetings are available in the tab titled Patient Survey Results as detailed above or by request at the surgery).
Results and future PPG activities
Key messages and changes as a result of PPG activity are detailed above in the action plan tab and are also communicated via the surgery information screen displayed in the waiting area. Patient newsletters and leaflets are other means used to keep patients informed.
We have also made improvements to our website, which provides lots of information with regards to opening hours, clinic times, services available. Different languages can also be selected from the home page flag symbols displayed. This gives opportunity to ensure we continue to offer a greater means of communication to patients.
As a result of surveys completed throughout 2014, the PPG have agreed that continued focus will be given to raising patients awareness with regards to services offered within the local community, such as Changes, Volunteering for Health and Citizens Advice Bureau to name just a few.
Your perspective, as a patient, is crucial. Patient engagement is essential if we are to develop a successful working partnership for the future.
Different topics for discussion will be displayed throughout the year both on the website and in the surgery to which your views are invited. These comments will be added to the Patient Participation Group web page (appropriately summarised - we would remove anything that would breach patient confidentiality or offend).
We shall then review your comments and inform you of any changes or development we are planning in response to your input.
The Patient Participation Group is not a forum for raising a complaint. If you have any concerns about the Practice, its services or processes, please contact the Practice Manager who will address these directly using the NHS complaints procedure.
If you have any thoughts or suggestions, or you would like to join the forum we would love to hear from you. Please email us at [email protected] headed Patient Group or contact Debbie Melling Practice Manager.
Agreed to operate from 19th May 2015
To further strengthen the relationship between patients and their medical practice, this is critical to the provision of modern high quality care and service for all patients.
In partnership with the Practice to:
- Help patients to take more responsibility for their own health
- Contribute to the continuous improvement of services and quality of care
- Foster improved communication between the Practice and its patients
- Provide practical support for the Practice and help implement change
These aims should include:
- Conducting patient surveys or collecting patient feedback
- Sharing good practice by liaising with other PPGs and the East Staffs District Group
- Organising presentations on health related issues
- Developing systems to promote health education and awareness of topics of interest and value to all patients
- Work within both the written word and the spirit of the National Association Patient Participation NAPP’S “Ground Rules”
Membership of the Group is open to anyone registered with the Practice who is interested in helping the PPG to achieve the above aims
- The PPG must be patient led with both the Chair and Secretary being patients
- Representatives from the practice team may become members
PPG Meetings for normal business will be held at least 4 times per year and notice will be given at least 7 days beforehand and additional meetings may be held with agreement by the Group. Minutes should be produced and a copy made available for all patients on the Practice website
The Annual General Meeting will be an additional meeting held within the month of May for the purpose of:-
- Review of Constitution and Ground Rules
- Election of Chairperson
- Election of Secretary
- Election of Committee Members
- Election of Representative for ESPEG
- Election of NAPP’S Representative
- Any other business at Chair’s discretion
The meetings will be chaired by a patient representative, known as the Chair and a Secretary will be appointed in order to take minutes of meetings and in consultation with the Chair organise the agenda.
All members of the Group will be invited to raise items for the agenda by contacting the Secretary prior to the meeting. If the Secretary cannot attend the meeting then one of the members present will be nominated to take minutes of the proceedings.
Meetings Ground Rules
Recommended by National Association Patient Participation NAPP’S
- Meetings of the Group and Committee are not forums for individual complaints or Single issues
- The Group advocates open and honest communication and challenge between individuals
- The Group will be flexible, listen, ask for help and support each other
- The group will demonstrate a commitment to delivering results, as a group
- All views are valid and will be listened to, but be put through the Chair
- The group will respect one another and behave accordingly – anyone who behaves rudely or tries to bully other members or guest’s will be ejected from the Group
- No phones or other disruptions will be permitted
- Formal minutes of each Committee and Group meeting will be kept and published
- Meetings will start and finish on time and stick to the agenda.